
Vrudhi Educational And Technological Services Pvt. Ltd.


Building a special ED-Tech Platform

  • Website,
  • Web-App,
  • Mobile App,
  • Admin Panel,
  • User Dashboard,
  • Digital Live Worksheets
Product Design Activity
  • Research,
  • UX & UI,
  • Usability Testing,
  • Front End Development
Giving back smile to the bond that lives forever

An eD-Tech platform to cater child with mental disorders like autism, ADHD, Special educators, Personalised Assessment,

Project OverView

In Today’s Wolrd neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. Parents often notice signs during the first three years of their child's life which leads to the need for Special Education and thier comfort zone so, Sped@home are in the field of Serving Special education at their home

Problem Statement
  • The Special kids struggles to get fair education, They feel uncomfortable in normal Classroom.
  • The below average child & above averagee / overactive child need different type of teaching approach.
  • These special kids always need someone to support them in Daily life.
  • The Special Kids are unable to socialize with people.
Solution We Designed
  • A Digital platform where Special kids can easily accesible to their education and grow consistenly.
  • To provide Indivudal teaching appraoch with Science backed Therapy / Learning to develop the kid state.
  • To Follow Evidence backed process to develop kid so he can manage himself easily.

User Group


Product Module





The Challenge For

From Last 10+ months, R&D costed for the project was huge, as no UX efforts was involved it was a painfull journey to build the MVP with developers, with some basic functionality in place which was developer friendly but not user friendly / industry ready.

Running out of time, Full product did’nt yet shaped up, its critical for sped@home business to get it accelerated by shaping up their Product which should be highly simplified & intutive yet robust enough to scale & operate. Sped@home was in hunt of The right technology team who can help them not only in desining the product but at really fast paced without hampering the quality

The Challenge For

We deployed a dedicated designer for each modules with our Design Director architechting the project, We started rapid design sprints, workshops & brainstorming. We focsued purely on design and convinced sped@home to think about developmen little later..

How we solved it

The power of team work & deligation

The requirement was too complex and huge in nature, Total of 5 Major Product Modules Altogether Need to deliver this in span of 4-6 weeks was the major challenge considering all the ux and business aspects. Our mental health and rapid product designing background helped us organising the entire product scope.

The Impact

Accelerated business experience

Now the product is designed, shaped up, Robust, simple, scalable, moving towards rapid development. Digital Marketing is also getting paced up

Phase 1


  • Kickstarter Workshop
  • Ideations
  • Stakeholder Interviews

We had our kickstarter workshop to understand their requirement, anaysed existing materials they have for this project, We created the ux awareness for client which helped them convinced to invest on ux which has Good rOI

Phase 2


  • user Research
  • mental health Domain Study
  • Validating Initial Hypothesis
  • Competetive Analysis
  • Product modules
  • Design & Development Strategy

After the discovery phase, we have defined the clear scope of project, User Persona, Brand & Product Competetive market positioning we are now geared up for rapid product design

Phase 3


From Skecthing to Interactive visual Design

The power of pen


Visual Interface Design

We did interactive prototyping of entire product


For Parent & Kid

Coach & Admin Panel

Phase 4

Usability Testing

We double check the business and product usecases before going into deveopment

Usability testing refers to evaluating a product or service by testing it with representative users. Typically, during a test, participants will try to complete typical tasks while observers watch, listen and takes notes. The goal is to identify any usability problems, collect qualitative and quantitative data and determine the participant's satisfaction with the product.

Benefits of Usability Testing

Usability testing lets the design and development teams identify problems before they are coded. The earlier issues are identified and fixed, the less expensive the fixes will be in terms of both staff time and possible impact to the schedule. During a usability test, you will:

  • Learn if participants are able to complete specified tasks successfully and
  • Identify changes required to improve user performance and satisfaction
  • Find out how satisfied participants are with your Web site or other product
  • Identify how long it takes to complete specified tasks
  • And analyze the performance to see if it meets your usability objectives
  • Design & Development Strategy
Phase 5

Development (WIP)

Our developer hands off from designers made developer’s life better place to live
Phase 6

Marketing (WIP)

What our client says



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Dhaval Mody

Founder, CEO | Vrudhi Edtech